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Wednesdays  TEA DANCE  1.45 pm 

POPULAR  Sequence Teaching Class 1.15pm to 1.45pm NEW COMERS TO SEQUENCE WELCOME however a knowledge of Ballroom and Latin is required.

Popular Sequence dances taught

Saunter Together, Rumba one, Tango Serida, Balmoral Blues, Mayfair Quickstep

plus many more favourites £5.00

Corfe Mullen Village Hall, Towers way,(behind co-op) Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, Dorset  BH21 3UA


1.45pm -3.30pm  £7.00

Ballroom, Latin and a few Sequence Dances

Come along for a dance and make new friends, Great atmosphere,  Friendly people

Includes Tea/Coffee and Biscuits (BRING YOU OWN MUGS) Both Sessions £10

Suggestion is to call or email to book in advance. 07733 107442   07718 208897 email hello@keep-dancing.co.uk


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